Baltimore Car Accidents and Headaches

If you or someone you love is experiencing headaches after a car accident, do not ignore them. Serious injuries can have headaches as a symptom, including spine injuries and head and neck injuries.
While headaches without underlying issues do happen after accidents, it is important to have every medical issue assessed by a healthcare professional. If you have hospital or doctor expenses due to a car accident, talk to an experienced Baltimore auto accident lawyer.
Reasons Why Car Accidents Can Result In Headaches
The impact of car crashes can cause an individual to experience headaches. This can even happen when the head itself does not sustain impact. When an auto travels at a high speed and a change of course or action is abrupt, the turns and twists can also result in harm.
Injuries that can result in headaches:
- A concussion injury can occur when there is a blow to the head. Swelling of the brain can occur when these blows take place. When an individual has a concussion, they might not have symptoms in the immediate aftermath of a car accident. Symptoms can arise days or weeks later. Some of the symptoms include blurred vision, light sensitivity, dizziness, vomiting, memory loss, and more.
- Traumatic Brain Injuries. Another injury that can happen when there is a blow to the head is traumatic brain injury. This is when cell and tissue damage leads to issues, both physical and mental. Any headache, balance issues, tremors, dizziness, sleep changes, or other changes in how a person feels should be assessed.
- When a sudden movement happens in the body, there can be whiplash, including strained muscles in the next and back. Spinal injuries can also happen in connection to whiplash incidents.
Seeking immediate medical attention is important. There can be further issues with untreated head injuries, including dangerous health complications. Even if you think your issue will heal on its own, medical attention is essential. A small headache could be the sign of an underlying health issue that could worsen and impact your health for years to come.
Why You Should See a Doctor After a Car Accident
The impact of a car crash is not meant for the human body. The body can easily become injured, even if the accident happened at a low speed. It is uncommon for people to see an accident coming, they typically happen swiftly and without warning, which means the body has no time to prepare. Because of this, there can be a violent jerking of the neck and body, creating injury and strain.
Car accidents can cause mild, moderate, and severe brain injuries. A doctor can determine the best strategy for an individual’s health. In serious cases, surgery may be needed.
Have you been experiencing headaches after a car accident? Contact the legal team at Iamele & Iamele, LLP to understand your options following a crash. Our attorneys successfully secure compensation for accident victims in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan. We have extensive knowledge and experience in accident cases, including those involving multiple vehicles. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.