Baltimore Car Crashes and Subtle Injuries

There are many types of injuries that can happen when there is a car crash. Sometimes the harm is severe, there are other times when the injuries are minor and heal quickly. It is important to realize there are times when injuries can be subtle and slow to show.
Visiting your primary care doctor or another healthcare provider after a Baltimore car crash is important as sometimes there are hidden injuries. If they are not treated right away, the injury can worsen. Reach out to a Baltimore auto accident lawyer to move forward with insurance claims and lawsuits to secure financial compensation for medical treatments.
Examples of Subtle but Serious Injuries
Seeking the opinion of a medical professional is important even if an individual feels fine in the wake of an accident. After a car accident, the body produces adrenaline, this could result in the physical pain associated with an injury being delayed by days or hours.
Some of the injuries to be aware of:
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Car accidents can be traumatic events. Because of this, victims can experience PTSD including symptoms such as depression, anxiety, anger, and flashbacks. A mental health professional can provide a diagnosis.
- Injuries to the brain. Brain injuries can result after head impact during a collision. While the symptoms may be slow to show, they can induce memory loss, dizziness, and nausea.
- Internal bleeding. An abdominal pain should not be ignored. Bleeding internally can be fatal.
- Neck and spine injuries. Whiplash can occur when there are car collisions. The sharp movements can result in damage to the neck or spine. Sometimes this first appears as a subtle numbness or stiffness in the neck and shoulder area. A doctor will be needed to properly assess the damage.
Minor and Severe Injuries Can Occur
Car collisions happen in a variety of ways. An accident that looks minor can create severe damage. Similarly, accidents that appear major can result in no physical injuries to the drivers at all. It is important to understand the range of injuries that can occur is wide.
Even scrapes and cuts that may appear minor should be looked at. There are many small, loose objects in vehicles that can be thrown around a vehicle in the process of a crash. These include coffee mugs, glasses, purses, and cellphones. If any item hits an individual, the injury should be assessed.
Because of the scope of injury possibilities, seeking medical attention as soon as you can after a car accident is important. Then, reach out to a Baltimore auto accident lawyer to understand your legal options.
Contact a Baltimore Personal Injury Attorney Today
Did you seek medical attention immediately following a car accident? You need an attorney on your side. Contact the legal team at Iamele & Iamele, LLP to understand your options following a crash. Our attorneys successfully secure compensation for accident victims in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan. We have extensive knowledge and experience in accident cases, including those involving family vehicles. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.