Driving With Dogs Can Lead To Accidents

There are many instances when distracted driving lead to accidents, but the source of the distraction may not always be what you would think. Yes, Maryland car accidents have happened because individuals were talking on their phones, texting friends, or looking and talking to others in the car instead of paying attention to the road. But it is important for Maryland dog owners to also recognize that pets can create distractions for drivers.
Dogs are great companions. You may even smile when you see a car pass you with a dog getting fresh air out of a car window or riding along on a driver’s lap. Canine friends can boost a person’s mood as they go about their daily life. While pets bring joy, it is also essential that drivers make decisions that keep themselves, the car passengers, and the animals themselves safe.
Distracted driving accidents in the Baltimore and DC area can result in medical expenses and lost wages. If you are recovering from a collision involving an animal, connect with a legal professional. Talk to a Baltimore car accident lawyer about your options.
Ways Animals Lead to Distracted Driving
When dog owners have their animals in their vehicles and interact with them, they are not paying attention to the task of driving. There are even times when individuals take their hands off the wheel of the car when engaging with a pet.
Distracted drivers interact with animal passengers in the following ways:
- Letting dogs sit on their lap while they drive.
- Reaching over to the passenger seat or back seat to pet animals.
- Using their hands to give the dog treats
- Snapping photos of dogs on their phones.
Any activity that distracts a car or truck driver can result in an accident. For many, it is best to have some sort of safe restraint in place for dogs or other animals riding in vehicles. These safety devices are an important part of keeping both animals and humans safe should an accident occur. For dogs, this could be a barrier, harness, or crate.
In New Jersey, a dog that is unrestrained in your vehicle could lead to a fine. There are even states where there are bans in place regarding dogs in a driver’s lap. No matter where you live, it is important to take steps to travel safely, ensuring people and their animal friends arrive at their destinations healthy and safe.
If you were injured in a Maryland accident and your pet was in the car at the time, talk to a Baltimore car accident lawyer about your compensation options. When your pet or the pet of another person causes an accident, damage recovery may be possible.
Did a loose dog lead to your Baltimore car accident? If you have high medical expenses, connect with a skilled attorney who can navigate complex claims. Have an experienced attorney work for you. Reach out to the legal team at Iamele & Iamele, LLP. With years of personal injury claim knowledge, our attorneys can help. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.