Teenage Drivers Are More Likely to Be In Accidents
There is a feeling of freedom connected with driving a car, so it stands to reason that many teenagers are proud to get their driver’s licenses and look forward to getting on the road. Excitement is part of the right of passage but parents are often concerned about the risks involved. This makes sense, worry is natural as statistics back up teenage driving risks.
The 16 to 19 years old driver age group are more likely to be in accidents than any other age group in the U.S. While accidents are likely, that doesn’t mean your teen was at fault. Was your Baltimore teen in a car accident? There is help available, discuss your situation with a Baltimore car accident lawyer.
Ways for Teen Drivers to Stay Safe
There are always risks to driving, that is true for drivers of every age. But there are ways to help teenagers drive safer. After all, teen drivers do not have the years of experience that adult drivers have. It takes time to learn the flow of navigating traffic, but there are steps everyone, at every age, can do to drive safely.
Safe driving tips for all ages, including teens:
- Do not speed
- Ignore digital devices
- Follow all traffic signals
- Wear seatbelts
- Do not be distracted by passengers
Drunk and impaired driving is a problem even with drivers who are not old enough to legally drink alcohol. Inexperienced drivers who impair their judgment and motor skills with alcohol can lead to disastrous results. Parents should have a zero tolerance for drinking and driving.
After a Teen Receives a License
While a child is learning how to drive a car, the chances are one of their parents is the person who is accompanying them, particularly while they have a learning permit and are still not able to legally drive on their own. During that time, adults share their experience, but it is important to remember the education does not end when a teen receives their license. After that milestone, parents should still ride with their children regularly and let the teenager know when behaviors need to be corrected.
Bad weather and wet roads can also be an issue. Inclement weather is a problem for every driver, but when a driver is not experienced with hazardous conditions, it can be even more problematic. The truth is, learning to drive responsibly takes time. Freedom to drive whenever a teen likes should only be given when they have demonstrated responsibility.
If your teen was in a car accident, do not immediately assume they were at fault. Even inexperienced drivers find themselves in accidents with at-fault drivers. After an accident, it is important to have a legal professional on your side. When you have questions, an attorney is able to listen to your story and explain your options. You and your loved ones do have rights.
Was your teenager in a car accident? Contact the Baltimore car accident lawyers at Iamele & Iamele, LLP to be sure your rights are protected. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.