Why You Should Be Suspicions Of Fast Settlement Offers

In order to maximize their profits, some insurance companies use timeline tactics to deny or reduce car accident claims. For example, they may offer you an amount very quickly, hoping you will sign off on the amount without doing any research or talking to a legal expert.
It is also possible you will experience your settlement taking far too long because insurance adjusters are working behind the scenes to secure evidence to deny your claim. Experienced Baltimore personal injury lawyers are well versed in insurance company tactics to deny and reduce damage recovery settlements. Do not accept a fast settlement offer if you do not understand how the insurance company landed on that figure or if you believe the amount is far too low. Talk to an attorney about your Maryland accident expenses so that you can protect your finances as you heal and recover from the injurious event.
What If the Insurance Company Requests a Recorded Statement?
If you are waiting for compensation from an insurance company and someone at the organization tells you they can finish up the process once you provide a recorded statement about the event, talk to a legal expert. Claims can be processed and funds can be distributed without recorded statements. It is possible the company is trying to connect with documentation to reduce your settlement amount.
Accident expenses can be extremely stressful. And in some ways, quick offers and delay tactics are the same in that they are relying on a person needing the funds. Quick offers mean an individual could accept the terms without thought because they know their accident expenses are high and delay tactics could result in a person accepting an amount that is too low because they are already stressed about the bills arriving on their doorstep.
Contributory Negligence and Maryland Law
Documentation proving fault is an essential part of the personal injury compensation process in Maryland as the state follows contributory negligence guidelines. Essentially, this means even if you have a small role in the cause of the accident you will not be able to recover funds from other drivers involved in the accident.
To fully examine your options and assess why a low settlement is being quickly offered or a claim seems to take forever to be processed, talk to one of the seasoned Baltimore personal injury lawyers at Iamele & Iamele. Our attorneys are familiar with insurance company strategies to pay out less than you deserve. You do not have to fight for your rights alone, legal guidance is available.
Are you unsure if the settlement amount you have quickly been offered is enough to cover all of your accident expenses? Connect with a skilled lawyer who understands the ins and outs of personal injury law. It is possible you have been offered an amount that is lower than what you need for current and future bills and fees. Contact the attorneys at Iamele & Iamele, LLP to explore your recovery options. Call 410-779-6160 today to schedule your no-cost consultation.